Monday, May 2, 2022

Online Privacy


            Privacy is an important issue in today’s evolving world of modern technology. Privacy and the lack thereof are great worries that affect us daily whether we realize it or not. Private companies gather information on us all the time, even when we may not know about or suspect it. Along with this, governments – domestic and foreign – are also spying on our online information, stealing it to get a better understanding of different people and their online tendencies.

              This kind of invasion of privacy can – and does – happen to everyone. It is completely plausible that someone somewhere knows exactly what you are doing at this moment, and you would never even suspect it.

              In order to limit this kind of surveillance, the government should be taking steps to limit the gathering of private information by companies and doing more to stop espionage from taking place.

              To better protect ourselves from online invasions of privacy, the simple answer is to just get off of online applications and technology. However, if we really want to protect ourselves, we should look more at the things we sign up for and use before we begin unintentionally sharing our information.

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