Monday, May 2, 2022



              The Great Reset – the theme of the 50th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, or WEF – was convened by Prince Charles of Wales and the World Economic Forum themselves. It was held in June of 2020 and “It brought together high-profile business and political leaders”. The theme – “The Great Reset” – was based on “seizing upon the global crisis to rebuild society and the economy following the COVID-19 pandemic”. “The Great Reset” was also set to be the main theme of the World Economic Forum’s May 2021 summit in Lucerne, which unfortunately was postponed due to COVID-19 until 2022.

              Kristalina Georgieva, the keynote speaker for the event, listed her key aspects of the sustainable response the organization was trying to achieve. These include green growth, smarter growth, and fairer growth. Some critics however, only saw The Great Reset as a continuation of the World Economic Forum’s strategy of “focusing on connotates activist topics such as environmental protection and social entrepreneurship to disguise the organization’s alleged plutocratic goals”.

              The Great Reset, as intended, would greatly affect society as a whole. There are just three core components of The Great Reset. One being to create conditions for a “stakeholder economy”. Two is building in a more “resilient, equitable, and sustainable” way. This would be based on “environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics which would incorporate more green public infrastructure projects”. Finally, three would be to “harness the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution” for the good of the public.

              The goals and ideas of the World Economic Forum are basically intended to create a greener, more sustainable life on earth for generations to come. At the event’s launch event, Prince Charles listed off important areas of action for the organization to take. These points included the “reinvigoration of science, technology and innovation, a move towards net zero emissions globally, the introduction of carbon pricing, reinventing longstanding incentive structures, rebalancing investments to include more (though not all) green investments, and encouraging public infrastructure projects”.


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