Monday, May 2, 2022





   The VCR – also known as the videocassette recorder – was invented in the late 1950’s (1956 to be more specific). The technology was invented by Charles Paulson Ginsburg, commonly referred to as the “father of the videocassette recorder”. Ginsburg was born in 1920’s San Francisco. He created the VCR because of the desire for people to control their own home tv show and movie viewing experience.

   The videocassette recorder made it possible to record any television shows and/or movies you wanted and watch them back at a time more convenient for you. Along with this, people no longer had to sit at home all day waiting for a certain show or movie to come on during a scheduled air time as they could simply just hit the “record” button instead.

    Although at the time of its release the VCR was not widely availably or even popular, it did become more widely available to the masses during the late 1980’s and 1990’s. The last videocassette recorder was manufactured in 2016 by Funai Electric.

    Fun Fact: National VCR day is Juna 7th


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