Thursday, April 7, 2022

Top 5 News Sources

     In today's day and age, there is no shortage of news. With new information being released every day, it can be hard to keep track of where the news is even coming from. Many news outlets have adapted to today's modern technology and have worked to make their news more accessible to anyone and everyone who wants to hear or read about it. With that being said, here are my top five.

Number 1: YouTube

    My top source of news and information has to be YouTube. Not only does it offer a wide range of videos from a variety of different news outlets, it also allows you to pick what you watch, when you want to watch it. With YouTube's design, there's no need to sit and watch the news all day waiting for a certain story to come on, you can simply type a few words in the search bar, filter through the results, and watch as much or as little news content as you'd like.

Number 2: The New York Times

    The New York Times - a classic. With this news source, you never need to worry about the lack of credibility, reliability, or the possibility of bias clouding a story. The New York Times has been around for what seems like forever (or 170 years to be exact) and has been building its great reputation since 1851.

Number 3: Instagram

    While this may not be the most reliable source of information out there, it is a very relevant one. Of course, there are many unfiltered "news" stories that, at the end of the day, are most likely just the latest rumors going around. However, there are plenty of credible news outlets that use the app and are more than willing to allow you access to their stories - provided you follow them first. Another great thing about Instagram is that it doesn't just cater to the typical "news" sources. It's a great way to find out about local happenings, campus news (assuming you're a student), or even just catching up with your family and friends.

Number 4: Facebook

    Like Instagram, Facebook allows you to stay up to date on all your friends and family, as well as any news and events you may be interested in learning about. It can be as widespread or as local as you want it to be - you can get important news updates, info on current events, or even details on local events and activities.

Number 5: Snapchat

    And last but not least - Snapchat. While Snapchat may not be the best source of news overall, it's a great way to quickly catch up on the latest news in the media. There are a variety of different media outlets offering a wide range of viewpoints who use the app and users are able to subscribe to different ones and watch different stories at their disposal. Along with access to different news stories and information, Snapchat allows users to post their own stories as well. This is a great way to keep friends and family updated on what you're up to, and being able to see what's going on in your own social circle as well.

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